the poetic method /pōˈedik ˈmeTHəd/


An imaginative, sensory, therapeutic, and scientific approach to expressing applicable knowledge gathered from personal or shared experiences for healing, growing, and improving self and systems.

The disciplines of poetry and science intersect at The Poetic Method. We merge expressive arts and improvement science to foster personal transformation, improve processes, and develop high-reliability systems.

Having experienced the healing power of poetry and the transformational benefits of improvement work, founder, Michelande Ridoré, developed a framework for the application of new discovery both at the personal and interpersonal levels of teams and companies.

The Poetic Method’s mission is to integrate the process of artistic expression and development into the iterative learning process of improvement. Its mission is to build more resilient people who have the agency and stamina to partner with their teams and leaders around their personal purpose and a shared vision.


Our Values


Your voice matters.

Whether you speak or write what you feel, authentically expressing yourself is the root of our core values and the surest way to identify the root of the problems you face in your daily work.

You are a whole person.

We cannot separate the personal from the professional in our workforce because each person’s specific experiences, talents, journey, and motivations are the most useful resource in ensuring a team or company actualizes its mission.

You have a purpose.

We empower each team member and collaborator to seek leadership and/or clear roles in their teams and companies so that they have agency in their work. This allows each person to discover their purpose as well as reach team goals.


Find joy in work.

The nature of high-pressure corporate and health care industries, especially in a post-COVID world, breeds burnout. Coupled with our other core values is the importance of prioritizing joy in work for all team members by asking them to participate in developing innovative ways to express creativity, artistic expression, and play in their work.

Express gratitude through generosity.

Generosity goes hand-in-hand with our work. We encourage generosity in collaboration, both internal and external, in our education and training through an all-teach-all-learn environment, and even bake the verbal expressions of gratitude into our meetings. Expressing and modeling these behaviors foster the spirit of giving within our team as well as within our local community.

Fail fast. Fail often.

In the initial stages of improvement work, processes and systems fail. Failure is not a measure of human weakness, it’s a measure of poor design. By testing and quickly retesting a system you identify opportunities for failure, which places you that much closer to success.