Our Services

Quality Improvement Consulting

We assist your company in improving clinical, operational, administrative, and other key performance metrics in your processes and systems using both improvement science methodology and expressive arts.

Quality & Safety Strategy

Utilizing industry-specific standards, we collaborate with you in developing SMART global and tactical strategies for modeling safe behaviors, improving quality indicators, as well as, team member and customer satisfaction.

Training & Classes

We believe in teaching people how to fish. When it comes to company growth and transformation, we pair our real-time coaching with didactic training in improvement science methodology and artistic expression.


Visually Poetic Data

People understand and learn from the information that is accessible to them. As Deming so eloquently stated, ‘you cannot improve what you do not measure.’ While the backbone of all the improvement work we do is data-driven and based on statical process control rules, we use creative visualizations that transform how teams and individuals grow.

Gathering for a Shared Purpose

Improvement science and even personal growth is a team sport—it is best accomplished in a community. We host and facilitate gatherings of all types structured to build shared mental models and alignment around your individual goals and company missions.

Manuscript Development & Publication

In addition to providing abstract and manuscript development support for academic journals and audiences, we support your continued development in artistic expression. We provide recommendations for creative writing workshops, literary copy, and manuscript editing, and provide resources to help you submit your work for publication either within our imprint, The Poetic Method Publishing, or another imprint of your choice.
